

I/We, the person(s) whose name(s) appear below, (referred to from now on in the singular) hereby declare and by my signature below confirm:

(i) I request that the Company and or Services be provided to me by the STAFFORD SERVICES Ltd in GIBRALTAR (referred to from now on as “SSLtd”) and that I have read and understood the requirements contained in this Application Form and in consideration of SSLtd approving the Application and supplying the Company and/or Services requested, I agree to be bound by those conditions as if they were incorporated into and made a part of this Declaration.

(ii) I have neither been offered nor have received legal or tax advice from SSLtd.

(iii) I am/We are the beneficial owner(s) of the Company (referred to from now on as “the Company”) ordered from SSLtd.

(iv) The Company will not be used for the following activities: trading in arms, weapons or munitions; pornography; gambling; trading in security equipment such as stun guns, CS or CN gas, pepper sprays or any other device that could lead to the abuse of human rights or be utilized for torture; mercenary or contract soldiering; industrial espionage; hazardous chemicals, biological matter or nuclear materials including the disposal of toxic waste or the dumping of such materials; human or animal organs destined for medical purposes; genetic material; adoption agencies including surrogate motherhood; establishing universities or colleges to provide degrees or qualifications; the provision of credit cards; pyramid sales or time share.

(v) The Company will not be used for financial business involving the solicitation of funds from the general public; offering investment advice to the general public; the management of investments other than the property of the company or the operation and administration of collective investment schemes.

(vi) I am not prohibited under the laws of any country by reason of being a minor or otherwise disqualified from being a party to a contract; I am not and have never been an un-discharged bankrupt; my assets are sufficient to meet the current or expected demands of my creditors; I have never been disqualified from acting as a director in any jurisdiction or been imprisoned or found guilty of any criminal offence (other than a motoring offence carrying a non-custodial sentence) or been proven to have acted in a fraudulent or dishonest manner in any civil proceedings, I have never been subject to a judicial or other official enquiry and I am not resident in a country subject to any embargo imposed by the Security Council of the United Nations.

(vii) The Company will not be used for any purpose, which is illegal under the laws of the place of incorporation, management, or elsewhere or in any manner whatsoever that may damage the reputation of SSLtd or the country of incorporation of the Company.

(viii) I will at all times irrevocably and unconditionally hold harmless and indemnify SSLtd and any parent, subsidiary or affiliate thereof and their directors, officers, employees, agents and consultants against all proceeding, suits, damages, fines, expenses, penalties and liabilities arising or brought against any of them by reason of any breach of the above declarations or the provision of the Company and any services.

(ix) Any dispute arising out of the Application or the provision of the Company or Services pursuant to it shall be governed by the law of Gibraltar and submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of its Courts.

(x)  Under no circumstances can this address be used as a company registered office! However, it may be used as a business address for all contacts and mail services.

(xi) SSLtd shall be entitled by written notice to cease providing services with immediate effect if the client’s or client’s appointees in the reasonable opinion of SSLtd fail to observe to the fullest extent the terms of this Declaration, and in the event of any legal proceedings are commenced against the Company, the clients or the client’s appointees.

(xii) Refunds will not be given without a 30-day notice to quit.